Friday 20 June 2014

Quilled Monarch Butterfly.

I did this for another ongoing project. Not sure right now whether I’m going to put it with flowers in a frame or in a jar with real twigs. But that’s the fun of quilling right? Not knowing what the end result is going to be J

I just drew the outline of the butterfly and then referred to Google for placement of colours and spots.

Added 08/08/14: I had my Monarch butterfly stored away as I wasn’t sure if I should frame it or put it into a glass jar on a twig. On one of hubby’s many walks in the woods he found a nice little branch and some tree bark which would make the perfect perch J

For the flowers: I used my heart shaped punch and glued 3 hearts together at the tips. Then cut each heart in the centre (about 1/2 way down) to make individual petals. I used my tweezers to help each petal curve out-wards. I then put the flower into my cupped hand and pressed the entire flower inwards to give it shape and a tight coil in the centre to finish.

The leaves were leftover from my Summertime Blues collection.

The base is just the lid of some container (again thanks to hubby!) 

I stuck the piece of the bark to the bottom of the branch and then attached the flowers and leaves using PVA glue. The butterfly was attached using my hot glue gun. I also used some hot glue to stick the bottom of the branch to the base. I decided not to use any enamel for right now as I do like the ‘natural’ look. Maybe later… 

For more examples of my work please visit my Facebook page here If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be happy to help if I can. If you do use any of my tutorials please do refer to my blog. Thanks.

I borrowed some ideas from Christine  who has some great tutorials which you can find here.  Thank you Christine, you're an inspiration to us all! 

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