Saturday 24 May 2014

Quilled Rose – free tutorial. Two methods.

I use two methods for quilling roses. Each method gives the rose a different look. The first method is one I learnt to make with ribbons as a child. It works beautifully with ribbons of any size and needs no tools. The second method will require a slotted tool.

Method 1: (If using this method with quilling paper be careful not to score or make the folds too sharp – you’ll see why at the end)

1. Hold your strip vertically. Then bring the top part down and to the left at an angle (see pix 1)

Pix 1

  2. Take the part facing down (that's the part that is under the fold) and bring it up and over the first fold. It will end up as a right angle (see pix 2)

Pix 2

3.  Now take the strip on the left (again the one underneath) and bring to the right (see pix 3) 
                                                     Pix 3

4. Bring the strip facing up over and down and continue using the same process (see pix 4 & 5) 
                                               Pix 4 & 5

5. The end result should look like pix 6 (notice the two ‘tails’ hanging down) when you’re done. 

                                                    Pix 6

  6.   Hold the two ‘tails’ lightly between the thumb and forefinger of one hand. 
   7. Lightly take hold of one ‘tail’ and gently pull downward. Yes you are unravelling it from the inside, but in doing so you will see the rose taking shape. (If you have remembered to leave the folds loose this procedure is quite easy) 
  8. When you’re satisfied with the size and shape of the rose you can stop pulling and adjust the petals gently.
  9.    Cut off the extra ‘tails’ hanging down and glue your rose to seal the ends. There! Your first quilled rose is all done! J
  Note: Be careful when working with quilling paper as you don’t want to rip the tail off before the rose is completed. You could practice with a piece of ribbon first if you like. 

Method 2:

You will need a slotted quilling tool for this method.

1. Put the end of the quilling strip into the slot and roll 2-4 times

2. Fold the paper downwards (see pix) and roll again a few times

3. Continue doing this (fold down, roll, fold down, roll) until you’ve achieved the desired size.

4. Glue the end and cut off the extra strip. You now have your second quilled rose. 

You can see the results of both methods in pix below

The pink rose has been done using Method 1 and the white one using Method 2. 

Here are my pink roses done using both methods and my finished project below. (sorry the glue hasn't quite dried on the plant) 

For more examples of my work please visit my Facebook page here. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I will be happy to help if I can. If you do use any of my tutorials please do refer to my blog. Thanks. 

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